Come celebrate Veteran's Day with us! We will have breakfast for all Veterans and their families from 8:00 - 9:00 am on Monday, November 11th. The Veterans Day program will follow at 9:00 in the high school auditorium. We would like to thank all of our community members who have served by honoring you on Veterans Day and every day! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Leiblie at 620-782-3623.
Come one, come all to the Book Fair! Hope to see you there. High school auditorium commons 3:30 to 4:00 pm.
More pictures from lunch. Today we also had someone's Papa come eat with them!
Today we had eagle nachos for lunch! This is a favorite among students and staff. Enjoy the lunch pictures!
Each morning our 5th graders take turns doing the morning announcements. Today Josie Mason and Stella Hopper led us in the pledge of allegiance, National Day, birthdays in the building, fun fact and joke of the day. Along with the weather and what is being served for lunch.
More pictures of students and staffing voting!
And the final result of the vote! Duck - 41, Rabbit - 109.
Yesterday Mrs. Harness's kindergarten class put on a mock vote for Duck or Rabbit. Students and staff participated by voting for what the saw. Results on next post!
Our Veterans Program will be on Monday, November 11, 2024 in the high school auditorium at 9:00 am.
Any questions call the school at 620-782-3632.
Udall families we will be having our Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday, November 22, 2024. Each student may invite 2 adults of their choice to join then for our Thanksgiving meal. Meal are $5.25. Check out the following times for lunch on the flyer attached to this post. Any questions call the office at 620-782-3632.
Today our Book Fair continues! Hope to see everyone at the high school auditorium commons , starting at 3:30 pm.
Today the FFA students will travel to Harper, KS for Entomology, Milk Quality and Product competition. Entomology - students apply the fundamentals of entomology and develop skills in identifying common insects and their significance to people and agriculture. Milk Quality & Products - participants demonstrate their knowledge about the quality production, processing, distribution, promotion and marketing of milk and dairy foods. Good luck to the FFA Students! #EagleStrong
Late start Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Breakfast starts at 8:30. School starts at 9:05.
Come to the HS auditorium commons and check out the book fair!
Today 3:30 - 4:00 pm!
"Build My Future" activities consisted of almost everything related to construction, as well as some safety careers, such as fire, law enforcement, and EMS. Construction activities included framing, drywalling, welding, kitchen designing, tile and laminate floor laying, as well as various team and individual competitions. Coletan even got to use his golden ticket to ride in the linemen bucket.
Coletan Copeland, Josh Fortner, Ethan Stephens, and Mason Rowe were able to attend the Wichita Area Builders Association "Build My Future" event at Park City Arena last Wednesday. Each booth provided a hands-on activity, as well as professionals who were excited to speak with students about their careers.
6h grade kiddo's were faced with the challenge of a "Spooky" problem-solving activity for Halloween. The students collaborated with teammates to build their own haunted houses made of marshmallows, craft sticks, and glue. Their goal/competition was to create the tallest, most sturdy, and most creative haunted house.
Halloween Fun!
Today is our Book Fair! Hope to see everyone at the high school auditorium commons , starting at 3:30 pm.
The annual UHS StuCo Buff Puff was moved inside due to rain tonight, but everyone had a great time playing volleyball!
Families were are having our "Book Fair' today in the high school auditorium from 3:30-4:00 pm. If you would like to purchase a book for a teacher pre-k through middle school. The teachers have set aside books that you can purchase for their classroom.